Group Meetings
Spring 2014 Heading link
May 2014
05.20-IBTN meeting: Student (Research) and Hannah Lundberg (Professor - Rush) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 09.30AM 05.13-IBTN meeting: Megan (Research) and Shelley (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 09.30AM 05.08-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 05.06-IBTN meeting: Dr. Christine Wu. (Research - COD), Dr. Valentim Barao (Research - UNICAMP) and Pete (Research) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 09.30AM 05.01-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM -
April 2014
04.24-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 04.22-IBTN meeting: Bela (Research) and Shelley (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.30AM 04.15-IBTN meeting: Maria A. (Research) and Arghya (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.30AM 04.15-IBTN meeting: Isabella (Research) and Pete R. (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 10.30AM 04.01-IBTN meeting: Azhang (Research) and John G. (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.30AM -
March 2014
03.25-IBTN meeting: Sweetu (Research) and Shelley (Journal Club) Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 10.30AM 03.20-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 03.14-IBTN meeting: Dmitry R.'s conference rehearsal Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 11.00AM 03.13-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 03.11-IBTN meeting: Shelley K.'s research update and Dmitry R.'s conference rehearsal Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 10.00AM 03.04-IBTN meeting: Journal Club and John G. and Maria A. research updates Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.00AM 03.06-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM -
February 2014
02.25-IBTN meeting: Journal Club and Arghya B.'s research update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 10.00AM 02.21-IBTN meeting: Dr. Luis and research team's visit from Brazil: Project presentations Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 02.00PM 02.13-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 01.28-IBTN meeting: Presentation by Dr. Reza Shahbazian-Yassar: “Nanomaterials under Dynamic Environments” and Pete R. research update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.00AM 02.06-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 02.04-IBTN meeting: John G. research update and Dmitry R. journal presentation Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 10.00AM -
January 2014
01.30-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 01.30-Wettability of ceria based PLD materials Prof. Jeremiah Abiade's group @ ERF 1043 at 12.00PM 01.28-IBTN meeting: Arman B. IADR proposal modification and Azhang H. journal presentation Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 10.00AM 01.23-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 01.21-IBTN meeting: UIC dental resident research update and Sweetu P. journal presentation Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 09.30AM 01.16-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 01.10-Arman B. IADR proposal modification CVD of TiO2 for implant application @ SEL 1215 at 1.00PM
Fall 2013 Heading link
December 2013
12.30-Jorge project update ALD of Cerium based materials @ SEL 1215 at 3.00PM 12.19-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 12.12-SOFC Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 12.05-Dr. Jursich, XAFS data analysis update @ SEL 1215 at 2.00PM Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 12.10-IBTN meeting: Arman journal presentation Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 2:30p 12.03-IBTN meeting: Maria J. Runa research update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p -
November 2013
11.19-IBTN meeting: Kun H. and Shidrukh A. research update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:45p 11.15-Nasim A. Preliminary Exam Nasim A. gives her Preliminary Examination @ SEO 236 at 1.30PM 11.14-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 11.12-IBTN meeting: Aniruth from Ducon and Maria Alfaro Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 2:30p 11.08-Nasim A. Preliminary Exam Practice Nasim A. gives her practice Preliminary Examination @ SEL 1215 at 4.30PM 11.07-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 11.05-IBTN meeting: Sweetu Patel research update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p 11.05-IBTN Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine Project Updates @ COD Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p -
October 2013
10.31-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.29-IBTN meeting: Project Updates by John G. and Sathees S. Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ SEL 1215 at 2:30p 10.24-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.22-IBTN meeting: Arman's AAID Project Update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ College Of Dentistry Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p 10.17-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.15-IBTN meeting: Dmitry Royhman's Nicotine Project Update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine meeting @ Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p 10.10-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.08-IBTN meeting: Azhang Hamlekhan Drug Loading Project Update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.03-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 10.02-Sathees S. Preliminary Exam Sathees S. gives his Preliminary Examination @ SEO 236 at 1.00PM 10.01-IBTN meeting: Pete Rossman's Fretting Project Update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine @ Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p -
September 2013
09.26-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 09.25-Yi Yang PhD Defense @ SE0 236 at 2.00PM 09.24-IBTN meeting: Dr. Mercuri Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine @ Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 2:30p 09.24-Sathees Preliminary exam practice @ SEL at 12.00 09.20-Yi Yang PhD Defense practice @ SEL at 2.00PM 09.19-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 09.17-IBTN meeting: Arman, AAID Update Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 09.12-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM 09.05-SOFC meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ SEL at 2.30PM 09.03-Sathees Rehearsal for AVS Prairie meeting @ SEL at 2.00PM
Summer 2013 Heading link
August 2013
08.22-Siliang Chang Project Update Siliang Chang will present her project update at SEL 1215 at 2p. 08.20-Xiaodan Cui Project Update Xiaodan Cui will present her project update at SEL 1215 at 11a. 08.19-Sweetu Patel's MS Defense Sweetu Patel will give her Master of Science Defense at SEO 236 at 3p. -
July 2013
07.26-Jorge and Sathees: 2013 ALD Conference Rehearsal Jorge and Sathees will practice their 2013 ALD Conference Presentation at SEL 1215 at 3p 07.24-Jorge and Sathees: 2013 ALD Conference Rehearsal Jorge and Sathees will practice their 2013 ALD Conference Presentation at SEL 1215 at 3p 07.23-Arman and Dmitry: Project Updates COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 07.23-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.18-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.17-Peter Rossman's Project Proposal COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 07.16-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.11-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.09-John G.: Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12p 07.09-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.04-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 07.02-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p -
June 2013
06.28-Newton L.: Final Presentation and Farewell COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12p 06.27-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.25-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.20-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.18-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.13-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.11-Ortheopaedic and Dental Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 6p 06.10-Jorge Rossero's Pre-lim. AMReL group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEO 236 @ 9:30a 06.07-Jorge Rossero's Pre-lim practice part II. AMReL roup meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 11a 06.06-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 06.05-Ortheopaedic and Dental Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 06.03-Jorge Rossero's Pre-lim practice part I. AMReL roup meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p -
May 2013
05.30-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 05.28-Ortheopaedic and Dental Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 05.23-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 05.22-Ortheopaedic and Dental Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 05.16-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 05.14-Presentation Rehearsals & Siliang and Xiaodan Project Updates AMReL Group Meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 05.14-Ortheopaedic and Dental Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 05.09-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 05.08-Arman and Newton Present Project Updates COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Arman and Newton Present Project Updates-UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p
Spring 2013 Heading link
April 2013
04.30-Sweetu's MS Thesis Practice COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Sweetu's MS Thesis Practice @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 04.25-Shidrukh Ali's CVD Overview Project Shidrukh Ali will present her CVD Overview Project @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 04.25-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 04.24-Sweetu's Hybrid Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Sweetu's Hybrid Project Update @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 04.18-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 04.11-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 04.09-Azhang AAID Presentation COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Azhang's AAID Presentation @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 04.04-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 04.02-Newton's Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Newton's Presentation @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p -
March 2013
03.27-Azhang AAID Preserntation COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Azhang's AAID Presentation @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p 03.21-Guest Speaker Presentation Guest Speaker, Kedar Manandar, will give XPS Presentation @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 12p 03.21-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 03.19-Dmitry IADR Preserntation Practice COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting-Dmitry's IADR Presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 12p 03.14-Guest Speaker Presentation Guest speaker, Prof. Lucy Shi, from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at UIC will present on: "Novel material systems for better device performance." @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 03.14-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 12:15p 03.13-Arman and Azhang Project Updates & Dmitry IADR Preserntation Practice COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting, Dmitry's IADR Presentation, Arman & Azhang Project Updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 03.07-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 03.05-Clinic and Research Day Presentations COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Arman, Sweetu, Dmitry, and Azhang will present Clinic and Research Day Posters @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p -
February 2013
02.27-Newton's Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Newton's presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 02.14-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 2p 02.14-Nasim Azimi Project Update Lithium/Sulfure Batteries Project Update @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 02.13-Santiago Tovar Undergraduate Research Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Santiago's presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 02.07-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Group Update Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 02.05-Azhang Hamlekhan's Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Azhang Hamlekhan's project updates @ College of Dentistry, Dentsply Implants Clinic Seminar Room at 12:30p -
January 2013
01.30-Gustavo Pinto's Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Gustavo Pinto's project updates @ UIC East Campus, Rm SEO 227 at 5p 01.23-Sweetu Patel's Project Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Sweetu Patel's project updates @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 5p 01.23-Harish Chockalingam's Project Update AMReL Group Meeting: Harish Chockalingam's project updates @ UIC East Campus, Rm SEL 1215 at 3p 01.16-Arman Butt AAID Proposal Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Arman's presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 5p 01.10-Dmitry Royhman Project(s) Update COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Dmitry's presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 01.08-ALD Group Meeting AMReL group meeting regarding ALD trouble-shooting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p
Fall 2012 Heading link
December 2012
12.18-Gustavo Introduction COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and Gustavo's presentation @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 12.14-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting with Dr. Jeff Miller @ Argonne National Lab at 1p 12.12-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 12.12-Runshen Xu Runshen's Ph.D. defense @ UIC East Campus SEO 219 at 1p 12.10-Runshen Xu Runshen's Ph.D. defense rehearsal @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 12p -
November 2012
11.29-Argonne Group Meeting Advanced Photon Source experiment planning meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 12p 11.28-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 11.22-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 11.15-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 11.14-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 4:30p 11.08-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 11.07-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 11.01-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p -
October 2012
10.25-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 10.18-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 10.11-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 10.10-Nasim Azimi AMReL group meeting: Nasim's Conference Rehearsal #2 @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 10.04-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 10.03-Nasim Azimi AMReL group meeting: Nasim's Conference Rehearsal @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p -
September 2012
09.28-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 09.27-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 09.20-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 09.19-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 4:30p 09.13-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project updates @ UIC East Campus SEO 227 at 4:30p 09.13-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 09.06-SOFC Group Meeting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell group meeting @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 1p 09.05-Group Meeting COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project presentation by Harrison @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 4:30p
Summer 2012 Heading link
August 2012
08.07-Harrison M. COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project presentation by Harrison @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 3p -
July 2012
07.27-Newton Lucchiari COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project proposal by Newton @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 07.03-Dmitry Royhman COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and project update by Dmitry @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 3p -
June 2012
06.19-Sweetu Patel COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting and presentation on WCA @ UIC East Campus SEL 1215 at 3p 06.12-Dmitry Royhman COD, AMReL, and RUSH collaborative group meeting @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 3p -
May 2012
05.29-Azhang Hamlekhan Title: "A Proposed Fabrication Method Of Novel PCL-GEL-HAp Nanocomposite Scaffolds For Bone Tissue Engineering Applications." @ College of Dentistry, Rm 365A at 3p
Spring 2012 Heading link
April 2012
04.06-Nathan S. Summary of the research work conducted for the 2011-2012 academic year @ SEL 1215 at 10:30am 04.05-Mr. A. Sambanis Assessment of Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance Potential for Cleanup @ SEL 1215 at 02:30pm -
March 2012
03.28-Homa K. Progress on her work at AMReL @ SEL 1215 at 02:00pm 03.07-Professor Tolou Shokuhfar Project Description @ SEL 1215 at 02:00pm -
February 2012
02.09-Runshen and Jorge Project Updates @ SEL 1215 at 03:00pm -
January 2012
01.26-Sathees Introduction to ALD @ SEL 1215 at 02:30pm
Fall 2011 Heading link
December 2011
12.07-Nathan Highschool reseach project progress @ SEL 1215 at 10:00am -
November 2011
11.22-Nasim Master's Project Defense @ SEO 219 at 1230p 11.14-Nasim Master's Defense Practice @ SEL 1215 at 5p 11.08-Dmitry Cell-seeding Experiment Update @ SEL 1215 at 5p -
October 2011
10.14-Runshen Group Meeting @ SEL 1215 at 5p 10.05-Runshen Conference Practice @ SEL 1215 at 3p -
September 2011
09.27-Runshen Pre-lim @ SEO 219 3p 09.27-Runshen Pre-lim @ SEO 219 3p 09.23-Runshen Pre-lim Practice 09.21-Homa Introduction of "Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor." 09.16-Jorge Progress Report
Fall 2010 Heading link
November 2010
11.20-Runshen Progress Report 11.08-Qian Reasons for dramatic growth rate change of ALD TiO2 -
October 2010
10.05-Qian & Runshen Rehearsal of 2010 annual AICHE 10.26-Dr. Mathew Tribocorrosion research in biomedical applications: Fundamentals, Current status, Future perspectives -
September 2010
10.09-Arman Design of an antibacterial coating on a Ti90Al6V4 hip implant to prevent post implantation infection due to bacterial invasion or formation of biofilms 10.02-Qian Investigation of ALD TiO2 initial nucleation on Si and Cu substrates
Summer 2010 Heading link
July 2010
07.29-Kirsten Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 on silicon and copper-Emphasis on the initial growth period 07.22-Yi Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films Deposition by MOCVD Method -
June 2010
06.10- Qian & Kirsten Progress report; Project Description-Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 06.03- Runshen Progess report -
May 2010
05.24- Jorge Development of materials for solid oxide cell with applications in the intermediate temperature region
Spring 2010 Heading link
April 2010
04.30- Yi Recent progress on NiFe2O4 Thin Film Deposition 04.14 - Oscar The atomic layer deposition of erbium oxide thin films on Si (100) 04.05 - Qian Prelium Rehearsal 04.01 - Dr Alan Zdunek Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering -
February 2010
02.11 - Jorge Synthesis of films/structures for use in it-sofc 02.05 - Runshen Progress Report
Fall 2009 Heading link
December 2009
12.11 - Qian Atomic Layer Deposited HfO2, TiO2 and HfO2 by metal (diethylamino) precursors and H2O 12.03 - Yi Progress Report -
November 2009
11.06 - Yi, Qian Rehearsals for presentations for the annual AICHE conference -
October 2009
10.22 - Greg Advances in Gate Stacks with High Mobility Germanium for FET and MOS Devices 10.08 - Yi Progress Report -
September 2009
09.22 - Manish PhD defense rehearsal 09.17 - Runshen Progress Report
Summer 2009 Heading link
August 2009
08.19 - Dr. M. Tanase Vortex-Supporting Heterostructures for Magnetic Memory Application (MRAM) 08.13 - Dr. Maslar In Situ Diagnostics and Reactor-Scale Modeling of Hafnium Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition 08.06 - Qian Summer Progress Report -
July 2009
07.20 - Lin Progress Report -
June 2009
06.04 - Greg Solar Cells
Spring 2009 Heading link
April 2009
04.30 - Yi Fabrication of ferrite thin films by Low Pressure Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition 04.22 - Pang-Yu Computer-Aided Method for Automated Selection of optimal imaging plane for measurement of Total Cerebral Blood Flow by MRI 04.10 - Qian MRS conference poster rehearsal 04.01 - Max Introduction of LPCVD -
March 2009
03.04 - Yi NiFe2O4 thin film deposition using new CVD/ALD setup -
February 2009
02.25 - Qian, Rachael Progress Report III, PMMA Calcination 02.11 - Qin, Jie High-k dielectrics of organic-thin film transistors, Characterizations of HfZrO2 and HfO2 films
Fall 2008 Heading link
December 2008
12.19 - Runshen Progress Report 12.03 - Max, Rachael Chemical Vapor Deposition of Multiferroics, An Inquiry into the Growth of Nanotubes -
November 2008
11.21 - Lin, Yi Enhanced Field-Effect Mobility for Solution-Processable Organic Thin Film Transistors by Surface Modification with Organosilanes, Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films Deposited by MOCVD Method -
October 2008
10.21 - Lin Solution Processed All Printed Organic Thin-Film Transistors on Flexible Substrate 10.16 - Runshen Removal of Dissolved Formaldehyde from Wastewater using Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor 10.15 - Qian Progress report 10.02 - Jie Plasma-nitridation and Interface between high-k dielectric and Ge substrate 10.02 - Homa Khosravian Kinetic Study of Platinum Extraction from Spent Catalysts -
September 2008
09.22 - Lin Thermal Cross-linking Dielectric Film on Flexible Substrate 09.03 - Howie Cu Interconnect Diffusion Barriers Update 09.03 - Deepthi Fabrication of Silicon Nanoparticles using Atomic Layer Epitaxy
Summer 2008 Heading link
August 2008
08.18 - Howie Introduction to Field Effect Transistor, Atomic Layer Deposition & Chemical Analysis Techniques 08.08 - Jie High-κ dielectric BaHfO3 & laser annealed HfZrO2 08.01 - Qin Performance of OTFT using High-κ dielectric 08.01 - Manish XPS of ALD Strontium Titanate films deposited using novel Sr & Ti precursors 08.01 - Greg Nanotube Fabrication -
July 2008
07.30 - Adam ALD of Y2O3 & HfO2 films grown on Si 07.30 - Kate Low Temperature ALD of HfO2 in Novel Configurations & Systems 07.30 - Liz Approaches for the Estimation of the Pulse Wave Velocity of Cerberospinal Fluid in Spinal Canal 07.21 - Adam ALD of Y2O3 & HfO2 films grown on Si 07.21 - Yi Using MOCVD Method to Deposit Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films 07.21 - Qian ALD of TiO2 using TDEAT & H2O as precursors 07.21 - Liz Approaches for the Estimation of the Pulse Wave Velocity of Cerberospinal Fluid in Spinal Canal 07.21 - Kate Low Temperature ALD of HfO2 in Novel Configurations & Systems 07.17 - Lin OTFTs based on Flexible Substrate with PVP-PMMA as Gate Dielectric 07.09 - Liz New Method to Calculate the Pulse Wave Velocity of Cerberospinal Fluid in Spinal Canal 07.09 - Yi Using MOCVD Method to Deposit Multiferroic BiFeO3 07.09 - Kate Low Temperature ALD of HfO2 in Novel Configurations & Systems 07.09 - Qian ALD of TiO2 from TDEAT & H2O 07.09 - Qin HfO2 deposition using CVD system -
June 2008
06.25 - Liz New Method to Calculate the Pulse Wave Velocity of Cerberospinal Fluid in Spinal Canal 06.25 - Kate Low Temperature ALD of HfO2 in Novel Configurations & Systems 06.25 - Adam ALD of Y2O3 & HfO2 Films Grown on Si 06.13 - Yi, Manish Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films for Multifunctional Devices 06.10 - Jie Feng The Different Electrical Properties of High-κ Thin Films from Different Deposition Technology 06.10 - Liz The Pulse Wave Velocity of Cerebrospinal Fluid in the Spinal Canal 06.09 - Kate Literature Review of High-κ dielectrics -
May 2008
05.23 - Manish MOCVD of Multiferroic BiFeO3 05.15 - Lin Recent Improvements Made in the Study of OTFT 05.02 - Arinola Organic Dielectric Material for Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Spring 2008 Heading link
April 2008
04.23 - Lin Performance of Organic Thin Film Transistors Based on Different Materials & Structures 04.16 - Dr. Jie Feng High-κ HfO2 Thin Film Research by PLD -
March 2008
03.11 - All members -
February 2008
02.25 - Dr. Jursich Hafnium oxides in High-Dielectric Films in Semiconductor Devices -
January 2008
01.30 - Lin Enhancement of the Field Effective Mobility of OTFTs by Surface Modification of the Dielectric 01.22 - Manish Theoretical Low Energy-loss Spectra of High-κ Materials and Chemical Vapor Deposition of Bismuth Ferrite
Fall 2007 Heading link
December 2007
12.18 - Adam Soda Fountain (RET Fall 2007 Teaching Module) 12.18 - Julie Factors that Influence the Regeneration of Planaria (RET Fall 2007 Teaching Module) 12.10 - Arinola Surface Modification of Silicon-dioxide based Transistors 12.10 - Dr. C. Lilley Electrical Properties & Failure of Cu Nanowires -
November 2007
11.21 - Manish Deposition and Characterization of Low-pressure MOCVD Thin Films of Iron Oxide and Bismuth Ferrite 11.21 - Prodyut Thermal Stability of Sputtered Mo-WNx Thin Films for Cu Diffusion Barrier Applications 11.16 - Lin Surface Treatment of Organic Thin Film Transistor (OTFT) 11.16 - Prodyut Diffusion Barrier Property of Mo/Ti Bi-layer Films for Copper Metallization -
October 2017
10.23 - Lixiao The Study of Knob Formation Mechanism in Plasmodium falciparum infected Erythrocytes 10.19 - Lixiao The Study of Knob Formation Mechanism in Plasmodium falciparum infected Erythrocytes 10.10 - Qian Tao The Screening of Cryoprotective Agents for Corneal Endothelial Cells by Vitrification 10.03 - Hongqian Carbon Nanotubes & MEMS Process -
September 2007
09.14 - Prodyut Diffusion Barrier Properties of Thermally Stable Nanostructures for Copper Metallization 09.12 - Dr. Jursich UIC Safety Presentation: General Safety in Laboratory -
August 2007
08.21 - Cheryl Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Molybdenum Carbide Catalysts 08.01 - Lixiao Surface Morphology Characterization of Malaria-infected Erythrocytes Treated with a Histidine-rich Peptide Inhibitor by Using AFM 08.01 - Howie Biological Detection using SPR Method
Summer 2007 Heading link
July 2007
07.31 - Adam & Julie Deposition & Characterization of Yttrium oxide (Y2O3) 07.31 - Arinola Suitable Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors 07.31 - Jessica The Binding of a Synthesized Peptide to Malaria Knob Protein 07.31 - Manish & Yi Deposition of Fe2O3 & Bi2O3 for Multiferroic Applications 07.25 - Jessica The Binding of a Synthesized Peptide to Malaria Knob Protein 07.25 - Arinola Suitable Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors 07.25 - Prodyut Diffusion Barrier Performance of Bi-layer Structures for Cu metallization 07.25 - Lin Modifying Dielectric Surface 07.11 - Jessica Biospecific Interaction Analysis in Real Time 07.11 - Arinola Suitable Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors 07.11 - Julie, Adam -
June 2007
06.25 - Jessica Biospecific Interaction Analysis in Real Time 06.25 - Arinola Suitable Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors 06.25 - Adam 06.25 - Julie 06.18 - Yi Using MOCVD Method to Deposit BiFeO3 Thin Films 06.13 - Jessica Biospecific Interaction Analysis in Real Time 06.13 - Arinola Suitable Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors 06.13 - Lin Modifying Dielectric Surface 06.01 - François MOCVD of Ta2O5 on silicon substrates and silica opals -
May 2007
05.30 - Howie Biological Detection Methods 05.23 - Manish Deposition of Fe2O3 for Multiferroic Applications 05.16 - François MOCVD of Ta2O5 on silicon substrates and silica opals 05.11 - Dr. Julienne (Air Liquide, Japan) ALD/CVD Precursors 05.09 - Peggy Fundamental Studies of Titania-based High-dielectric Constant Materials 05.09 - Ahmad Solution Processed High Permittivity Nanocomposite Dielectric for Printed Electronics Applications 05.09 - Dr. Kazuhiko Endo (AIST, Japan) Four Terminal FinFETs 05.04 - Prodyut Diffusion Barrier Performance of Atomic Layer Deposited Ultrathin Al2O3 & HfO2 Films for Copper Metallization (211th ECS Meeting, Chicago)
Spring 2007 Heading link
April 2007
04.27 - Thyagarajan Unified Chemical Model for the Oxidation of Silicon Using Ozone 04.25 - Rajesh Interfacial & Structural Studies of Atomic Layer Deposited High Dielectric Constant Materials on Si 04.11 - John Theoretical calculation of low electron energy-loss spectra of andalusite (Al2SiO5) using WIEN2k 04.09 - Prodyut Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposited Ultrathin HfO2 Film as a Diffusion Barrier in Cu Metallization 04.04 - Amjad FT-IR Analysis of High Permittivity Nanocomposites for Printed Electronics 04.04 - François Photonic Bandgap Crystals Opal & Inverse Opal Design -
March 2007
03.28 - Amjad XPS Analysis of High Permittivity Nanocomposites for Printed Electronics 03.28 - Peggy Deposition & Characterization of High-dielectric constant Materials (Titanium-based dielectric) 03.12 - Rajesh Atomic Layer Deposition & Characterization of High-dielectric Materials 03.02 - Deepthi Modeling Oxygen Diffusion-reaction in High-dielectric constant materials in Silicon -
January 2007
01.24 - John, Meredith Theoretical calculation of low electron energy-loss spectra of t-HfO2 and andalusite (Al2SiO5) using WIEN2k 01.19 - Lin Organic Thin-Film Transistors - Dielectric & Semiconductor Materials
Fall 2006 Heading link
December 2006
12.20 - Prodyut Evaluation & Testing of Copper(II) Aminoalkoxide Precursor for Direct Metal Printing 12.20 - Howie Tran Current Food Group Projects 12.06 - Lixiao Progress Report -
November 2006
11.29 - Dr. Greg Jursich Thermal Characterization & Analysis of High-k Precursors 11.13 - Rajesh Controlling Interfacial Reactions Between HfO2 and Si using Diffusion Barrier Layer 11.09 - Rajesh ALD of High-k materials for Gate Dielectric Applications 11.08 - Peggy MOCVD Heterostructures of TiO2 & Al2O3 using cycling of TDEAT, TMA & O2 11.08 - Rajesh Process-structure Relationships of Aluminum-doped ALD HfO2 Thin Films 11.01 - Prof. Takoudis The Craft of Technical Presentation -
October 2006
10.26 - Amjad Low Voltage Organic Field Effect Transistor with High-κ Nanocomposite Gate Insulator 10.20 - Peggy Crystallization & Stability of MOCVD TiO2/Al2O3 films 10.06 - Prodyut Fundamental Studies on Copper Diffusion Barriers for Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) -
September 2006
09.27 - Deepthi Electrical Properties of Silicon Nanoparticles Deposited by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition 09.20 - Manish Information from the C-V measurements of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) capacitors made using high-k dielectrics 09.13 - Lin BIAcore - Detecting the interaction between proteins
Summer 2006 Heading link
July 2006
07.27 - REU & RET Fellows 07.03 - RET Fellows -
June 2006
06.28 - RET Fellows 06.26 - REU Fellows 06.21 - Lixiao Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum-infected Erthrocyte with Electron Microscopes & Optical Sensor 06.13 - REU Fellows 06.08 - Meera Optimization of a Method for Estimating the Lead Concentration Curve of the X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument -
May 2006
05.31 - Pinar Fundamental Studies on Modification of Silicon Surfaces using APTES (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane) for Neural Implant Applications 05.31 - Peggy Characteristics of MOCVD titanium-aluminum oxide 05.24 - Amjad Printed Organic Electronics with a High-k Nanocomposite Dielectric Gate Insulator 05.24 - Meera Optimization of a Method for Estimating the Lead Concentration Curve of the X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument 05.19 - Pinar Fundamental Studies on Modification of Silicon Surfaces using APTES (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane) for Neural Implant Applications 05.15 - Rajesh Fundamental Studies on High-k Materials Deposited using Atomic Layer Deposition Technique 05.05 - Deepthi Synthesis & Electrical Characterization of Silicon Nanoparticles for Electronic Applications
Spring 2006 Heading link
April 2006
04.12 - Amjad Processed High Capacitance Nanocomposite Dielectric for Printed Electronics Applications 04.12 - Hom Characterization of thin aluminum oxide films deposited using Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition 04.10 - Lixiao Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Parasite-induced knobs by Atomic Force Microscopy 04.10 - Pinar Silicon electrode surface modification with biomolecules to enhance neurocompatibility 04.05 - Deepthi Fabrication of Si nanowires using atomic layer deposition -
March 2006
03.31 - Rajesh XPS studies of ALD Al2O3 as barrier layer between ALD HfO2 and silicon substrate 03.31 - Prodyut XPS study of Hydrogen treated Cu(DEAE)2 precursor at 200 °C 03.31 - Deepthi Silicon Nanowires 03.31 - Peggy ALCVD of TiAlO deposition 03.31 - Manish Electrical Characterization of High-k films 03.24 - Chiun-Teh Multiferroic Structures 03.15 - Pinar Silicon electrode surface modification with biomolecules to enhance neurocompatibility 03.08 - Hon Characterization of thin aluminum oxide films deposited using Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition -
February 2006
02.24 - Prof. Sid Ghosh MBE Growth of Multifunctional Ferrites on Oxide Substrates 02.10 - Meera The site-specific calibration curve methodology for estimating the concentration of lead in soil using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence (P-XRF) instrument 02.03 - Manish High-k dielectrics 02.01 - Amjad Processed High Capacitance Nanocomposite Dielectric for Printed Electronics Applications -
January 2006
01.30 - Pinar Silicon electrode surface modification with biomolecules to enhance neurocompatibility 01.25 - Prof. Randall Meyer A First-Principles Analysis of Ag Sintering Mechanisms Over Alumina 01.18 - Xuemei TiAlO and TiAlON - High-k dielectric 01.11 - Deepthi Modeling the formation of Silicon Dioxide at Silicon and High-k Oxide Interfaces
Fall 2005 Heading link
December 2005
12.15 - Lixiao Surface charge in Scanning Electron Microscope 12.15 - Pinar Silicon electrode surface modification with biomolecules to enhance neurocompatibility 12.07 - Meera Building a Relationship Between Two Variables Using Regression Analysis: A Case Study 12.02 - Prodyut AES & XPS study of an Organometallic Copper ink reduced at 200 °C -
November 2005
11.23 & 11.21 - Pinar Silicon Electrode Surface Modification with Biomolecules to Enhance Neurocompatibility -
October 2005
10.28 - Rajesh (for Peggy) LPCVD of Thin TiO2 Films using TDEAT as Ti Source Gas & NH3 as Catalyst (Rehearsal for AVS Meet) 10.28 - Deepthi (for Peggy) MOCVD of Titanium Oxynitride Film using tetrakis(diethylamino)titanium (rehearsal for AIChE Meet) 10.28 - Rajesh ALD & Characterization of Hf and Al oxides on Si using metal amide precursors (Rehearsal for AVS Meet) 10.26 - Deepthi A Methodology for Controlled Growth of Si Nanowires (Rehearsal for AIChE Meet) 10.26 - Lixiao Thermodynamic Characterization of the Binding between Plasmodium falciparum MSP1-19 ligand to erythrocyte receptor band 3 loop 5ABC using biosensor technology (Rehearsal for AIChE Meet) 10.24 - Rajesh Atomic Layer Deposition & Characterization of aluminum oxide deposited on Si using tris(diethylamino)alane precursor & water (Rehearsal for AIChE Meet) 10.19 - Lixiao Improving Signals in Microfluidic Channels of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 10.11 - Lixiao Observation of Knob-associated histidine-rich protein structures by using Transmission Electron Microscopy 10.05 - Manish Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition (ALCVD) of Aluminum Oxide using Tri-Methyl Aluminum (TMA) & Oxygen -
September 2005
09.30 - Prodyut XPS study of Cu(DEAE)2 film reduced at 200 °C 09.19 - Amjad Rehearsal for Wearable Technology Conference 09.14 - Deepthi Nanodot Synthesis & Device Fabrication
Spring 2005 Heading link
April 2005
04.26 - Rajesh Atomic Layer Deposition of high-k dielectric materials; STEM/EELS analysis of HfO2 on Si 04.20 - Pinar Polyimide Electrode Surface Modification with Biomolecules to Enhance Neurocompatibility 04.13 - Jennifer Jones An Introduction to Simple Transistor Fabrication 04.06 - Amjad Rasul Fabrication and Characterization of OFET Devices with Nanocomposite Gate Insulator -
March 2005
03.30 - Peggy LPCVD of TiO2 by using NH3 as catalyst 03.23 - Sayeeram Effect of Silicon Precursors containing one, two and three Si atoms in the molecule; on the Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon 03.16 - Amjad Rasul Electrical Characterization of Solution Processed BTO/Epoxy Nanocomposite Gate Insulator 03.09 - Prof. Takoudis How to write a good research paper? 03.02 - Rajesh (a) Atomic Layer Deposition of high-k dielectric materials (b) STEM/EELS analysis of HfO2 on Si annealed at 800°C -
February 2005
02.23 - Amjad Rasul Surface Characterization of Solution Processable BTO/Epoxy Nanocomposite for Organic Field Effect Transistors 02.15 - Deepthi Nanodots: Synthesis and Characterization 02.09 - Javier WIEN2k Simulations: First Principle Calculations of Electronic Properties 02.02 - Amjad Rasul Solution Processed Nanocomposite Gate Dielectric for Organic Field Effect Transistors -
January 2005
01.26 - Prodyut Reduction of copper hexanoate to metallic copper at 200 & 250 °C 01.26 - Lixiao The calculation of protein kinetics binding constants in optical sensor